May 27, 2016

It’s Launch Day!!!


It’s here! It’s here! I can hardly believe it!!! It feels like Christmas morning – the excitement is so real!! I seriously feel like dancing around and throwing confetti all over the office! Haha! Welcome to the all-new Beth Joy Photography brand and website! We are so glad you’re here to celebrate with us! Here’s the brief story behind our rebranding decision:

When I started Beth Joy Photography only a few short years back, I quickly threw together a logo with some cute fonts and florals, and it worked. It was enough to get my feet off the ground! But in the time that followed, the business grew and evolved into something much larger and different than even I expected!! It quickly became apparent that couples in love were and are my passion, and I began phasing out of general photography to focus on weddings, engagements, elopements, and such. In addition, it’s important to note that from the beginning, my dear husband John has always played a HUGE role in this business – from photographer, to editor, to equipment wrangler, and so, so much more. However, in our past brand, this just wasn’t apparent! We needed a change, but a rebrand and new website is a huge undertaking!

John and I have worked so hard for many months, delving into our business’ philosophy, our future goals, and who we are as a photography team. We were SO excited to work with Erica of Taiga Press who is the mastermind behind the branding of our business. She was incredible to work with and made the process so stream-lined and fun! Once we finished the branding, next up was the website! What’s great is that John is a web-developer, and between the two of us, we were able to design and create this lovely site!

Basically, I just want to send out a thank-you to all the amazing people who have assisted us in the process! Erica, you are so talented, and I am so proud to share beautiful work you have created for us! Thank you to both John and I’s parents – who assist us in so many ways – too many to count! Thanks for cheering us on, giving us amazing advice, and bringing us pizza when we were too tired to cook! 😉 Thank you to my dear sister, Amy, who is my biggest cheerleader, who I can always count on for anything.

Thank you to so many more – family, friends, our amazing, incredible clients! Thank you to our followers, those who support us on this crazy journey! We couldn’t do it with any of you! Your encouragement and support motivates and inspires us to keep on dreaming and creating!

Now go explore the site – we can’t wait to hear what you think!

Above is the gorgeous mood board created by Taiga Press! These photos were used as inspiration for the emotions, color scheme, and vibe we wanted Beth Joy Photography to portray! Below is the brand board she created!

If you made it this far, congrats! 🙂 We did want to add that you may notice while perusing the blog, that it hasn’t been updated recently, and this is true! We are happy to say we are in the midst of preparing blog posts for all our winter sessions! Instead of waiting to finish these posts, we chose to reveal the website now because we were just so happy to share it! Plus, we’re just excited to have a site we’re proud to post on! 😉 Thank you all again for your incredible support!

Much love!
~ J + B