January 4, 2015

The Classical Art of Ballet


One of the most beautiful ways a story is told is not always through words or even photos, but through the visually captivating movement of dance!  I had the absolute pleasure of attending the Academy of Russian Classical Ballet’s performance of Don Quixote in Brighton, Michigan, as well as capturing just a few of the incredible moments on stage.  My darling sister starred as the sassy Kitri, and she had the honor of dancing with Yosvani Ramos, an internationally known principal dancer! It brought me to tears to see my sister light up the stage, dancing her heart out, completely, utterly following her passion. I am so proud of her, and thus, had to share just a few images! Because these do not do justice to the live performance –  I highly recommend attending a professional ballet at some point in life.  Not only to encounter the feeling of getting lost in the music, the graceful motions, or the intricate steps, but also for a source of inspiration and courage in whatever you do.

